Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Study Abroad Storyboard

Scene 1: Open the film with a shot of the Education Abroad building, which has flags surrounding the building
                 ~ This is a pan shot of the whole building, which captures the flags surrounding the building. It's also a low angle shot because it's from the point of view of a student who is either interested in studying abroad and that's why he or she is there, or happened to be passing by and the building caught his or her attention. This is the first shot because it makes it clear to the audience what the documentary is going to be about; travel.

Scene 2: A straight cut into the shot of the inside of Education Abroad office, which will follow up to the location of Dr. Anthony Ogden's, the direction of Education Abroad, office. In this shot, Dr. Ogden will also be included in a way that captures him in his environment working
               ~ This shot will be a tracking shot from the point of view of a student interested in studying abroad. It is included as a way to further enlighten audience on exactly where you need to go in-order to get the best service and advice on studying abroad. Also, gives audience a sense of familiarity with the EA office and the staff working there. This shot will be sped up a little so as not to take up too much time off documentary

Scene 3: A straight cut into interview with Dr. Ogden in his office
                ~ This will be a medium shot that will include an interview with Dr. Ogden. To keep the audience's attention from drifting away, pictures will be included that will correspond with what he is saying. Due to this, there will be a variety of shots included when switching from pictures to Dr. Ogden. So, we will switch from medium shot to close shot to long shot but at the same time making sure we keep the attention on him. This scene of the interview serves as the informational aspect of the documentary

Scene 4: Transition into an interview with a student who has studied abroad and will talk about their experience studying abroad
                ~ Start with an establishing shot which lets audience know where the interview is occurring, then cut into a medium shot to capture the student's interview. Going straight into another interview with a student, with the interview of Dr. Ogden preceding, portrays the similarities between the student's views and experience studying abroad compared to those of the director of EA, which will appeal to the audience. To keep audience's attention, we will add pictures and maybe videos that the student will have provided, of his or her experience studying abroad

Scene 5: At this point, we will tackle the topic of the tremendous challenge of studying abroad; cost. This will be done by showing quick responses from students around campus answering the question of why they haven't studied abroad; "I can't afford it!"
                ~ This scene is going to be loaded with a lot of quick medium shots and close-ups of the students' responses. This scene is particularly here in-order to introduce one of the major points we're trying to make with this documentary; cost is not an issue! This scene will introduce the next scene, which is scholarships

Scene 6: Yet another interview, but this time, one with Yiyi Tang and an instructor, Albert Kalim, who have had experience studying abroad in the literal sense and also in the sense that they have been or still are in-charge of EA scholarships. This interview will be done in the financial aid office in the EA building
               ~ For this scene, it's unnecessary to do an establishing shot because the location has been established previously. Instead, cut straight into the  interviews with a medium shot. This scene will refute the answer given by majority of students in the preceding scene (that they can't afford EA), by assuring them that they can in-fact afford EA through EA scholarships

Scene 7: To wrap up the documentary, another interview will be included, with a student who wants to go study abroad and thought he or she couldn't afford it but through scholarships, he or she is now able to
               ~ This will be a close-up shot because we want to capture the excitement evident on the student's face. This scene/interview will expand/emphasize the fact that scholarships help tremendously in your study abroad experience

Scene 8: The last scene will involve shots at the airport (Bluegrass Airport)
                ~ This scene will include a low angle shot of the airport sign, which will let the audience know the location of the scene, a long shot of families hugging goodbye, a tracking shot of people boarding the plane, and a standard shot of the plane taking off. These shots will serve as a goodbye/farewell to the student traveling abroad and also a welcome to students, not only planning to study abroad, but also to those reluctant on EA

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