Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Speech Reflection

Although I was very nervous about the Shark Tank speech, I'm very proud that I didn't let the nerves get the better of me. Overall, I think my speech was pretty good because I had strengths coming in to the presentation period. One of the strengths I had was that, I was able to present a speech that flowed well due to being able to get my thoughts together and use transitions. I was able to do this because, instead of focusing on memorizing the speech itself, I committed to mind the key points. Another one of my strengths was that, I was able to keep the audience's attention throughout my presentation, which is quite an accomplishment. Lastly, but definitely not least, I'm proud that I was able to refrain from using filler words throughout my speech, which sometimes feels natural to do in-order to get your thoughts together and/or because it's a habit.

Of course with strengths, also comes weaknesses. One of the weaknesses I had was with voice projection. When presenting, I thought I was loud enough but after watching the video, I realized that the audience could barely hear me. Another weakness was that, I spoke too fast when presenting my speech, which was due to the fact that I had misunderstood the requirements of this proposal. I prepared my speech with the knowledge that it was limited to 3 minutes tops so, I had to squish in all my info and had to even cut out some info in order to stay within range. This is something I definitely think I could improve on; looking at a rubric before presenting my final work. Yet another weakness I had was looking around (up, down, side) a lot so as to get my thoughts together. Although I stayed clear of filler words, I leaned towards my eyes wandering instead of maintain eye contact with the audience. A final weakness that I noticed while watching the video is that, although I moved around a little, I kept it within a small radius in the sense that I didn't leave the circle/bubble that surrounded me.

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